Cinnamon Pelly named President and CEO of Pillsbury United Communities

MINNEAPOLIS, MN, APRIL 10, 2023 — The Pillsbury United Communities Board of Directors announced today that Cinnamon Pelly has been named the President and CEO of Pillsbury United Communities. Ms. Pelly comes to the agency from Cincinnati, Ohio where she has most recently served as the Chief Operating Officer for the Urban League of Greater Southwest Ohio.

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Kim Daly
Mountain Housing Opportunities’ Longtime Leader Announces Retirement, Board Chair to Conduct Search

The Committee selected BroadView Talent Partners as their search firm. They plan to post the CEO position in April. Owen emphasized the importance of engaging a firm with a proven record of placing diverse candidates in leadership positions in the housing sector, saying, “BroadView has a great track record and comes highly recommended from a number of affordable housing peers.”

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Kim Daly
Executive Eye-Opener 1Q23

After another robust trip around the sun, BroadView Talent Partners is heading into 2023 with cautious optimism. While the threat of an economic recession looms, the unemployment rate remains at a 50-year low and many organizations are continuing to hire. With record numbers of baby boomers retiring, skilled, experienced professionals will continue to be in high demand, and many are eager to fulfill their highest career goals and aspirations while making an impact.

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Kim Daly
The 5 Most Common Interview Pitfalls

Whether you are mid-career or an experienced C-Suite professional, job interviews can be both stressful and overwhelming. There are a number of factors that can derail the process, causing you to trip at exactly the moment you are trying to hit the ground running. Unfortunately, these unintended mishaps can quickly decrease your chances of making a positive first impression regardless of how well-intentioned — or seemingly qualified — you are. 

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Search Committee Best Practices: Setting up for Success

By their very nature, Search Committees are both varied and imperfect. They span companies, industries and continents, bringing together individuals from across an organization to share the recruitment and hiring process. Even if they understand the main goal — conducting a search for the organization’s next best leader — it’s easy for these committees to stray off-task or get bogged down in minutia, slowing down what could be an otherwise well-proven process. 

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Kim Daly
Executive Eye-Opener 4Q22

Ten months into 2022, we find ourselves operating and navigating through not only the COVID continuum, rising interest rates, higher inflation and enduring supply chain challenges, but also the war in Ukraine, recessionary fears, and the November mid-term elections.

Despite the current uncertainty and waves of change present as we close out the year, BroadView Talent remains squarely focused on the unmistakable and ever-present truth about leadership.

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Kim Daly
5 Communication Skills Exhibited by Top Leaders

One of our core beliefs about leaders is this: Every leader is not expected to have it all, but they must have a preponderance of it all and they must be able to lead it all. Any gaps or blindspots that he/she/they have must be ably or mightily filled by one of their current or prospective direct reports to mitigate and minimize organizational risk.

There is one corollary to this rule: A CEO absolutely must have superior communication and influencing capabilities.

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Kim Daly
A Brave New World: Shrinking Leadership Tenures

Like it or not, there’s a new leadership reality coming. The post-pandemic period has brought permanent changes and challenges to the U.S. workforce, including condensed CEO leadership tenures. For boards and executive leadership teams, the time to prepare is now.

Baby Boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, continue to retire in record numbers. They are being replaced by talented, energetic, innovative and dynamic X-Gens (born 1965-1980) and experienced Millennials (born 1981-1996).

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TrendsKim Daly
The National Community Stabilization Trust Announces New President, Christopher J. Tyson

After a six-month, nationwide search, the National Community Stabilization Trust (NCST) has named Christopher J. Tyson as its next President. Tyson will begin at NCST on July 5, 2022.

“Please join me in welcoming Christopher Tyson to NCST. In addition to being a distinguished scholar and thought leader, Chris is an experienced community development executive. He brings a wealth of experience in real estate development, public finance, and land banking, as well as a deep and abiding commitment to equity and inclusion,” said Andrew Jakabovics, NCST Board President. “Chris has the vision, skill, and heart to increase NCST’s impact and lead NCST’s next chapter. I’m excited to have someone with his diverse background and demonstrated talent as our next President.”

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Kim Daly
Executive Eye-Opener 2Q22

As we all settle into longer days and much needed vacations, the BroadView Talent team is busier than ever, grateful for the growing number of both new and repeat clients. We are working furiously to deliver diverse candidate outcomes that stick. With a consistently competitive market, we're moving quickly and strategically to attract and retain top talent, advising clients as we go with essential best practices.

We also are busy coaching candidates through the interview process which can confound even the most seasoned executives. Because the smallest details often make the biggest impression, we strive to ensure they put their best foot forward. Knowing where many candidates trip up and avoiding the same mistakes can be the difference between making it to the next round of a dream job — or not.

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Kim Daly
The Most Vital Component of Any Search Process

In the world of executive search, most searches conclude with a finalist candidate accepting a search firm-mediated client offer that establishes the agreed upon financial terms, start date and on-boarding initiative — important items to any new leader. However, many are surprised to hear that a search firm’s engagement with both client and candidate doesn’t have to end with placement. In fact, post-placement consultation and follow-up is perhaps the most important part of our firm’s search process.

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Kim Daly
Eight Insider Tips to Ace the Executive Interview Process

Heading into the interview process can make even the most seasoned executive sweat. When we facilitate a client’s candidate interviewing process, we do so using what we describe as the 6-3-2 process. This includes a first round pool of six candidates, a second round pool of three and a final round — with board presentations — of two finalists. Knowing where many candidates trip up and avoiding the same mistakes can be the difference between making it to the next round of your dream job — or not.

In the end, there can only be one winner in each and every search. Candidates who master the interview process tend to compete consistently, making it to the final rounds and/or winning the mandate.

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Kim Daly
Best Practices for Replacing a Long-tenured, Non-Profit CEO

As a search firm, we repeatedly encounter the following scene: A frantic Board Chair or Search Committee member calls because their esteemed founder and long-tenured leader (LTL) has decided to retire. The organization has no succession plan or otherwise strong internal candidates so they must engage a search firm.

It is never easy to replace a founder or otherwise LTL. This is typically someone who many consider a legend, a leader with a distinguished career, remarkable body of work and legacy of profound impact. Accordingly, boards of directors must navigate a sometimes unenviable duality that includes exiting the retiring CEO with grace, professionalism and respect, while partnering with the search firm to recruit the right leader at this stage of the organization’s life cycle. The process requires empathy, inclusivity, transparency, common sense and foresight.

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Kim Daly
Executive Eye-Opener 1Q22

As spring approaches, the Great Resignation continues to make headlines and search firms across the country are feeling the impact. With plenty of candidates ready to refresh their careers, we remain steadfast in our mission to deliver diverse candidate outcomes. As both we and our clients navigate today's competitive marketplace, we must think outside the box in order to attract and retain top talent.

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Kim Daly
The Case for “Strong #2’s” as CEO Candidates

When our clients lack internal bench strength and succession planning does not deliver, they retain executive search firms to recruit the organization’s next leader. Whether it’s a CEO, Executive Director or President role (hereafter referred to as CEO), organizations tend to be favorably disposed towards sitting CEO’s, current #1’s. While this may be a safe and traditional strategy for attracting and recruiting their next leader, we advise and firmly believe that our clients are best served by also engaging and giving serious consideration to “strong #2’s.”

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Kim Daly
A Message of Gratitude

It’s hard for me to believe, but today we celebrate one year since re-branding HCGA Consulting Partners to launch BroadView Talent Partners. This past year has been a whirlwind from a business, marketplace competition and public health perspective, but we wouldn’t change one minute of it. Thank you to everyone who has supported us, referred us and worked with us to bring diverse leadership to our clients in the affordable housing, non-profit and middle market sector clients. As I reflect both on our first year and where we are as a country, we have made good strides in placing women and people of color in leadership roles across all sectors and paid boards.

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Kim Daly
Executive Eye-Opener 4Q21

As the holidays approach and the end of 2021 nears, we at BroadView Talent are busier than ever meeting a high demand for diverse candidate outcomes. We have shifted our approach to meet this need, more cognizant than ever of the competitive candidate marketplace that both we and our clients must navigate.

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Kim Daly
Why Your Board Needs a Succession Plan Now

In the past 20 months, we have seen a trifecta of reasons why boards can no longer delay succession planning. For starters, the pandemic has worn out senior leaders mentally, forcing many to retire earlier than they may have originally conceived. In addition, the racial reckoning of 2020 post George Floyd’s murder has forced boards to ressess and reevaluate whether or not their leadership truly reflects and embodies the communities they serve. Lastly, the best and brightest of the XGens and experienced millennials need to be engaged as future leaders or you will lose them to the current candidate market.

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Kim Daly
Designing Fast, Efficient Searches to Meet Demand for DEI Talent

Since May of 2020, we have observed a marked increase in diverse board appointments as well as mandates for searches that deliver not only a diverse candidate pool but also a diverse candidate placement outcome. Our clients are doubling down on this trend because they are motivated and driven to re-establish trust within the communities they serve by placing executive leadership that is representative of its demographics.

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Kim Daly